Title: The Taste of Tears
Photographer: Margrieta Jeltema
Publisher: Self-published, 2018
Edition: open
Dimensions: 7.5 x 7.5 inches
Pages: 36 pages, hardcover
Title: The Taste of Tears
Photographer: Margrieta Jeltema
Publisher: Self-published, 2018
Edition: 2/50 and 3/50
Dimensions: 7.5 x 7.5 inches
Pages: 36 pages, hardcover with linen cover
About the book
The Taste of Tears On an island far south in the Mediterranean grow olive trees that are 2000 and even 3000 years old. The breath of the sea is salty full of tears, the summers are hot and scorching with fire when the desert winds blow.We are the grains of sand,the salty tears.
About the artist
Margrieta Jeltema was born in the Netherlands and has lived and worked in the Netherlands, Italy, Algeria, the Caribbean, Chile, Portugal and Romania.
Her work embraces poetry, sculpture and photography. Margrieta has received a number of awards, nominations and publications in the International Photographic Awards (IPA fine art, nature, deeper perspective and portraiture awards), Px3, Black and White Spider Awards, International Color Awards, International Aperture Awards, WPGA awards, Shotz Magazine, Seities publications, Gammelgaard Monochrome, Prix de la Decouverte, Curated Exhibition Lensculture Network. Parts of her series "My Heart of Glass" and "The Shaded Gardens of Bucharest" were published in Dodho magazine. Many of her photographs took part in international exhibitions. Her Street and Fine Art Photography (as well as her albumenprints) has been published several times in the Black & White Photography Magazine.