Title: Silent Outlooks
Photographer: Gregory Collavini
Date of publication: Sept. 2016
Publisher: Editions Favre
Place of publication: Lausanne, Switzerland
Edition: First Edition, all copies hand signed & dated by the artist
Dimensions: 230 x 310 mm
Pages: 144 + Hardcover & Sleeve
ISBN: 978-2-8289-1520-9
About the book
The cover was designed with the approach of limitation, visual block and silence in mind. So a sleeve was added, acting as a wall. At first glance, you can only see the upper part of the cover as the lower part is blocked by the sleeve. To entirely see the cover and read the book, you have to take off the sleeve. The cover texts are clearly readable when you are close, as reference to silence and intimacy. The book begins with a text describing the project and then the portfolio, basically like any photo books. When I took my pictures I measured the sound in decibels. I used this data as captions.