Title: Somos Unos. Somos Dos.
Photographer: Lucía Peluffo
Date of publication: 2016
Publisher: Self-Published (Morsa Studio)
Place of publication: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Edition: 250
Dimensions: 10.5 x 8 inches
Pages: 66 + cover
ISBN: 978-987-42-0595-7
About the book
Autobiographical book showing the author’s relationship with her couple. It shows different aspects of a “love story”. How loneliness can appear after a choice we make, in a search for tranquility, a need to explore, a separation from that world that surrounds you from which you do not want to be influenced. How there is a need of complicity to make things work. It shows the evolution of a couple under formation, and what happens when they choose to be “alone together”. They become one, and disappear, being now different, no longer composed by the sum of those two.