Title: Gowanus Wild
Photographer: Miska Draskoczy
Date of publication: 2016
Publisher: Unnatural Kingdom
Place of publication: Brooklyn NY, USA
Edition: 1000, hand signed & dated by the artist
Dimensions:11.75" x 12.375"
Pages: 57 color photographs, 120 pages, hardcover, paper on boards w/ stamped text, printed on LumiSilk 170gsm
ISBN: 978-0-9978163-0-3
About the book
Gowanus Wild is a photographic exploration of nature and wilderness in the contaminated industrial neighborhood of Gowanus, Brooklyn. As the Gowanus Canal has been declared a federal Superfund site and seen over 150 years of industrial abuse, the images reveal just how tenacious nature can be when faced with grave environmental destruction. Paralleling the resilience of nature is the human ability to find the balm of the outdoors in the most unlikeliest of places. The images and poetry encourage the discovery of a new relationship with this hybrid nature in a world where increasingly no corner of the planet is left untouched by human activity. Accompanying texts include an essay by Gowanus Canal Conservancy director Andrea Parker and nine poems and an essay by photographer Miska Draskoczy.